Dr. Hideto Tomabechi (CEO of Cognitive Research Labs, Inc.) Makes a Full-Scale Entry into the Education Sector by Integrating Cognitive Computing and Coaching

Cognitive Research Laboratories, Inc. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Dr. Hideto Tomabechi) is pleased to announce that Dr. Hideto Tomabechi will provide cognitive computing AI technology for learning software to Pegasus Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka), which operates a nationwide franchise of tutoring schools. Additionally, Dr. Tomabechi will offer coaching curricula for new tutoring school owners and principals.

This initiative aims to provide unprecedented educational methods for children, focusing on enhancing basic abilities and extraordinary capabilities to achieve future dreams. The learning software incorporates efficient and effective learning methods designed to help students gain admission to prestigious universities. The goal is to enable tutors to spend more time fostering children’s motivation, creating a new type of tutoring school.

Cognitive Research Labs, founded by Dr. Tomabechi and AI researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in 1988, is a pioneer in cognitive computing. For nearly 30 years, the company has conducted research in artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and massively parallel processing. Key achievements include the development of the HyperFrame knowledge representation system, implementation of the Tomabechi Algorithm for natural language processing, dual-direction Kana- Kanji conversion technology, and the world’s first massively parallel computer architecture using parallel CommonLisp. Recent accomplishments include cloud- based high-speed summarization engines. The company primarily licenses its

technologies to government agencies, computer manufacturers, and electronics companies worldwide.

Dr. Tomabechi has also been a long-time collaborator with the late Lou Tice, a pioneer in the coaching industry. He has worked to advance and disseminate coaching practices, integrating cognitive science findings into coaching theories and educational systems. In Japan, he offers corporate coaching programs (TPIE) and school coaching programs (PX2).

  1. Development of New e-Learning Software:

The platform leverages Cognitive Research Laboratories’ extensive research in AI and cognitive science, including natural language processing, machine learning, knowledge representation, constraint propagation, and massively parallel computation. The platform also incorporates the latest research outcomes from Carnegie Mellon University, where Dr. Tomabechi serves as an Adjunct Fellow.

  1. Provision of Curricula to Train Highly Motivated School Principals

The curriculum trains tutors to draw out the fundamental positive desire for “learning” in children, significantly boosting their motivation. It involves “coaching for children” based on the latest cognitive science findings, helping children set future goals and perform at their best with high self-efficacy.

Start Date: The provision of these services will begin on April 16, 2015.
・Tomabechi Hideto’s official website: http://www.hidetotomabechi.com/
・Official website of Cognitive Research Lab: http://www.crl.co.jp/

Dr. Hideto Tomabechi Profile:

Name: Dr. Hideto Tomabechi
Birth: 1959, Tokyo, Japan
Occupation: Cognitive Scientist, Computer Scientist
・Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University
・Adjunct Fellow at CyLab, Carnegie Mellon University
・Graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Sophia University
・Fulbright Scholar at Yale University’s Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Career Highlights:
・Worked at Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. for two years
・Transferred to Carnegie Mellon University for graduate studies, earning a Ph.D. in Computational Linguistics
・Served as Associate Professor at Tokushima University, Director of the JustSystems Basic Research Institute, and Specialist Committee Member of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry’s Council for Information Processing Promotion

Pegasus Co., Ltd.:

President: Toshihide Tanaka
Founded Pegasus Planning in 1986, pioneering the franchise model for tutoring schools. Developed and continuously updates proprietary computer-based learning systems covering all subjects for grades 1 to 9.

Cognitive Research Laboratories, Inc.:

  1. Company Name: Cognitive Research Labs, Inc.
  2. CEO: Dr. Hideto Tomabechi
  3. Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

For inquiries regarding this press release: Cognitive Research Labs, Inc.
Email: info@crl.co.jp