Knight Grand Cross Conferment on Hideto Tomabechi by the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George of the Royal House of Savoy

We are pleased to announce that our CEO, Hidehito Tomabechi, has been honored with the highest distinction of Knight Grand Cross (Cavaliere di gran croce) by the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, known as the Order of Saint Maurice and Saint Lazarus, from the Royal House of Savoy in Italy. He has also been awarded the “Order of Merit of Saint Maurice and Saint Lazarus.”

Founded in 1060 to protect pilgrims traveling to Christian holy sites, the Order of Saint Lazarus, tracing its origins back to the 4th century, and the Order of Saint Maurice, established by the Royal House of Savoy in 1434, have both been unified since 1572 by Pope Gregory XIII. Today, they engage in charitable activities worldwide based on Christian traditions, alongside the Order of the Garter and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, collectively known as the Three Great Orders of Chivalry and the oldest among them.

Dr. Tomabechi’s contributions to global education, aimed at enhancing children’s education worldwide through initiatives like BWF International (, undertaken with the late Lou Tice and global volunteers, as well as his efforts with international experts to eliminate global conflicts and discrimination, have been recognized and led to this recent honor.

The conferment of Cavaliere di gran croce dell’Ordine dei Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro (Knight Grand Cross) represents the highest rank among the five ranks of the Order of Saint Maurice and Saint Lazarus, along with the award of the Grand Cross of the Order.

During the conferment and award ceremony, Mr. Hideaki Kase, representing the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George of the Royal House of Savoy in Japan, delivered remarks in Japanese, while Knight Riccardo Ricchioni of the Order of Saint Maurice and Saint Lazarus conducted proceedings in Italian. His Excellency Manlio Cadelo, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of San Marino to Japan and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, declared the conferment of the Grand Cross Knight in Italian.

Profile of Hideto Tomabechi:
Name: Hideto Tomabechi

Born in Tokyo in 1959. Cognitive scientist, computer scientist, Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University, and Fellow at CyLab, Carnegie Mellon University. After graduating from the Department of Foreign Languages at Sophia University following the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Communication, he entered Mitsubishi Estate and subsequently joined the Department of Financial Affairs at Yale University’s Graduate School of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Institute on a Fulbright scholarship. After that, he transferred to Carnegie Mellon University’s Graduate School of Computer Science, where he worked in the Department of Philosophy Computational Linguistics and received his doctorate. He served as Assistant Professor at Tokushima University, Director of the Just System Basic Research Institute, a member of the Information Processing Promotion Council of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and guest professor at Nankai University (China) and the Far Eastern Federal University (Russia), among others.

Company Information
1.Corporate Name: Cognitive Research Labs, Inc. (
2.Representative Director: Hidehito Tomabechi (
3.Head Office Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo

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Cognitive Research Lab Co., Ltd.