Implementation of the Next-Generation Live Streaming and Viewing System “Ringo Link Live” with Real-Time Translation in “Cognitive Fort Talk,” Featuring the First Half-Life Currency Function Invented by Hideto Tomabechi

Cognitive Research Lab, Inc. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Hideto Tomabechi) has introduced a new live streaming and viewing system, “Ringo Link Live,” in the iPhone app “Cognitive Fort Talk.” This system enhances the multilingual communication capabilities of the Fort Talk app by integrating real-time speech recognition and translation, making communication seamless between users speaking different languages.

This system was also provided as a simultaneous interpretation system for a special cyber defense conference, DevSecOps, held in collaboration with several research institutes of Carnegie Mellon University from December 4th to 6th. The conference included top U.S. cybersecurity experts such as the former Chief Software Officer of the U.S. Air Force and a former Senior Systems Engineer for DevSecOps at Lockheed Martin. By offering a closed-circuit interpretation and translation environment through an independent standalone AI, the risk of information leaks from using external interpretation agencies or open generative AI is avoided. Fort Talk, utilizing its advanced proprietary technology, provides high-security transmission and reception, making it ideal for multilingual speaker communications and lecture broadcasting in mission-critical fields.

With Ringo Link Live, the broadcaster’s message is translated in real-time into multiple languages and delivered to viewers. The real-time feedback from viewers through the comment feature and the use of half-life currency promote the creation of new value and multifaceted communication. These features enhance interaction between broadcasters and viewers, offering a more inclusive communication experience.

Fort Talk is provided free of charge within Japan, aiming to offer next-generation technology widely to the public. (Only the built-in VPN feature to enhance the security of other apps’ communications is a paid option to cover server costs.)

This press release focuses on the overall picture of the Fort Talk app and the crucial role Ringo Link Live plays within it, illustrating how these features enrich user experience and promote new communication styles.

Ringo Link Live: Setting a New Standard for Multilingual Communication
Bridging Language Diversity with Real-Time Speech Recognition and Translation

Ringo Link Live enables broadcasters to instantly convey their words in different languages through the integration of real-time speech recognition and multilingual translation. This technology opens the door to direct communication with multilingual audiences, facilitating conversations between users from different cultural backgrounds effortlessly. Ringo Link Live, with its ease and efficiency, allows content sharing without language barriers, deepening interaction between broadcasters and viewers. This establishes a new standard for multilingual communication and creates connections beyond language limitations. Ringo Link Live realizes a future of communication that connects diverse languages and cultures.

Comment Feature Promoting Mutual Interaction

The real-time comment feature enables rich interaction between viewers and broadcasters. Through the comment translation function, dialogue between users speaking different languages is facilitated, allowing users from various cultural backgrounds to share common content.

Creating Communities and Inspiring Broadcasters with Half-Life Currency

Ringo Link Live leverages the half-life currency system to foster active interaction between viewers and broadcasters. Viewers contribute to broadcasters through half-life currency, inspiring their creative activities. Considering the temporal decay nature of half-life currency, broadcasters are encouraged to respond actively to viewers’ contributions, building deeper communication.

This interaction inspires broadcasters to create co-creative content and provide interactive experiences, generating new forms of entertainment and information exchange, enhancing communication between viewers and broadcasters.

For more details on the principles and effects of half-life currency, please refer to “Credit creation with Half-life currency and Universal Basic Income” at this link.

Continuous Feature Updates on the Platform

The Fort Talk platform is continuously updated to keep pace with technological advancements, providing users with the latest and optimal live streaming experience. We incorporate the latest trends in technology and expand the platform to meet users’ needs.

Ringo Link Live: Bridging New Languages and Pioneering the Future of Communication

Offering a New Form of Communication

The new feature Ringo Link Live in “Cognitive Fort Talk” proposes a new style of creating and sharing content, fostering mutual interaction between broadcasters and viewers. This promotes diversity in user experiences and strengthens connections with communities worldwide.

Cognitive Research Lab’s Vision and the Role of Ringo Link Live

Through Ringo Link Live, Cognitive Research Lab aims to enable communication beyond diverse cultures and languages using technology, contributing to the construction of a more inclusive world. Ringo Link Live is a significant part of this vision, striving to create an environment where people worldwide can easily connect using cutting-edge technology.

Ringo Link Live’s pioneering approach reflects the overall philosophy of the Cognitive Fort Talk app, aiming to shape the future of communication by allowing users worldwide to communicate easily.

Features of Cognitive Fort Talk

Development Background and Technical Features

Fort Talk was developed by Cognitive Research Lab, Japan’s first AI research and development company. The company has developed its proprietary AI technology, and Fort Talk incorporates the latest generative AI features. This app emphasizes high security and privacy protection with next-generation proprietary technology and extensive intellectual property.

Platform Choice Focused on Security and Consistency

Security and consistency are the foundation of Fort Talk’s platform choice. The closed ecosystem and strict security standards of iOS ensure the highest level of safety for users. Therefore, Fort Talk is available only on the App Store.

New Doors to Communication: Cognitive Fort Talk and Its Diverse Features

Fort Talk is a new messenger app developed for iOS, combining real-time messaging and the real-name journalism SNS “Feet,” utilizing various AI technologies to offer new communication possibilities. The combination of cognitive science and security ensures a safe and inclusive communication experience.

Additionally, with built-in multilingual translation features, it breaks down barriers to international communication. Users can utilize almost all functions for free, enabling broader interaction. Fort Talk prioritizes safety while offering new forms of communication.

Enhanced Privacy and Security

Fort Talk is designed as a messenger focused on privacy protection. It does not access users’ contact lists or personal information, ensuring safety with double encryption for communications using the latest security technology. It also includes a VPN feature to protect communications of other apps.

Promoting Democracy and Social Contribution

Fort Talk provides a system to realize direct democracy, ready to offer systems and technology to the government and the Digital Agency for free. It includes a “Democracy Portal” where all users can anonymously make policy proposals, vote, and engage in discussions. It is also publicly available for free to promote social contribution.

Feet: A Real-Name Communication Platform Supporting High-Quality Journalism

Feet is an SNS that supports communication based on real names and high-quality journalism. This platform protects users’ trust and privacy by prohibiting external reproduction, adopting strict confidentiality obligations, and detailed privacy settings. It allows posts of up to 4,096 characters, adhering to the fundamental principle of collective real-name policy, providing an environment where users collaborate to ensure information truthfulness. Feet is an ideal platform for users interested in high-quality journalism and deepening social discussions.

Connecting the World: Cognitive Fort Talk’s Multilingual Language Services

Cognitive Fort Talk offers a wide range of functions to overcome language barriers using cognitive AI technology, including:

  • Linguistic Reflection: Automatically generates multilingual subtitles and audio tracks for videos, optimizing content for global audiences. For example, it allows viewing an English video with Japanese or Spanish subtitles and audio.
  • Speak Streamline: Separates speakers from audio and video, converts speech to text through voice recognition, and translates it into multiple languages. It enhances content understanding with summary and analysis functions, useful for efficient recording of meetings and interviews.
  • Voice Verse: Achieves multilingual voice synthesis with the same voice quality as the original speech. For example, it naturally plays Japanese narration in English.
  • Snap Translate: Instantly reads and translates text from photos, such as signs and documents, into any language. This makes it easy to understand foreign language menus and signs.
  • Polyglot Interpreter Assistant: Supports international business meetings and events with an AI-powered multilingual interpreter assistant.
  • Site Scribe: Summarizes and translates web pages and online articles into any language, allowing efficient intake of a large amount of information in a short time.
  • Intellectual Transcriber: Accurately translates PDFs and text files into multiple languages, making access to long business documents and academic papers easier.
  • Linga Mate: Provides an interactive learning platform to refine conversation skills and expression, ideal for language learners.
  • Natural Cognitive Chat: Utilizes advanced NLP technology for natural conversations in multiple languages, supporting language learning and international communication. It incorporates translation functions to enhance mutual understanding and interaction between users.

Cognitive Fort Talk redefines communication by ensuring thorough protection of security and privacy, actively promoting direct democracy, and offering multilingual translation functions. This app removes communication barriers with people worldwide, enabling meaningful interactions and bringing new value to users’ daily lives.

Company Overview
Name: Cognitive Research Lab, Inc.
Representative: CEO Hideto Tomabechi
Location: 7-5-11 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Established: March 2000
Business: Software Development
Official Website:
App Store:

Inquiries Regarding This Press Release
Contact: Cognitive Research Lab, Inc.

Our company is strengthened by a pioneering history since its founding and leadership equipped with deep wisdom and qualities to shape the future. You can find more detailed information on the Cognitive Research Lab’s website.

Company History and Philosophy

Cognitive Research Laboratories, Inc. (CRL) began its journey in 1988, during a time when terms like “Cognitive Science” and “Cognitive Computing” were not yet widely recognized. Established as a pioneering basic research institute in Japan, CRL has been dedicated to “true” basic research (science) and has initiated the development of platforms (engineering) that would significantly impact society in the future. Our philosophy is to actively contribute to shaping society 50 years from now through the pursuit of knowledge and technological innovation, thereby driving future innovations. This involves pushing the boundaries of research and development and providing concrete solutions to societal challenges.

CEO’s Background

Dr. Hideto Tomabechi, the CEO, studied as a Fulbright Scholar at Yale University Graduate School under Roger Schank, a pioneer in artificial intelligence. He then progressed to the graduate program in computational linguistics at Carnegie Mellon University, renowned for its high standing in computer science, and became the first Japanese person to obtain a Ph.D. in computational linguistics. Since 2008, Dr. Tomabechi has served as a Fellow at Carnegie Mellon University’s CyLab and as a research professor at the C4I and Cyber Center at George Mason University, contributing to next-generation cyber resilience and cognitive warfare at a military level.

CEO’s Research Achievements
MONA-LISA: Multimodal Ontological Neural Architecture for Linguistic Interactions and Scalable Adaptations


This 1991 research paper, published shortly after CRL’s establishment in 1988, explores the groundbreaking approach of “MONA-LISA” in one of the world’s earliest generative AI systems for language recognition, understanding, and generation. The system integrates symbolic and subsymbolic processing, enabling efficient handling of audio and visual data within the same neural network. It also includes an independently functioning knowledge AI that collaborates within the subsymbolic space, proposing the world’s first solution to the problem of “hallucinations” in generative AI. This advancement has brought new insights into the fields of AI and natural language processing, significantly advancing the future of human-machine interaction.

Further detailed information can be found on the Cognitive Research Laboratories website.

More Information: Cognitive Research Laboratories Research Achievements
